Thursday, October 9, 2008

Flu Shot

I just got my annual Flu Shot today. I have gotten Flu Shots every fall since the early 90's except for 2004 when there was a national shortage of the Flu Vaccine.

There are plenty of people who refuse to get the shot for various reasons (most seem to hate needles), but if I can sidestep a bad case of the Flu it is well worth the $25 cost, the slight discomfort of a shot and a sore arm.

The CDC says that in 1999/2000, pneumonia/influenza was the 7th leading cause of death in the US with 63,730 annual deaths, or about 7 per hour. The influenza epidemic that swept the world in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people (one fifth of the world's population), which was more than three times that died in World War I. 

Extra Special Bonus:  Work paid for the vaccination.

1 comment:

Buy PGX said...

Getting regular shots will help your immune system.