Monday, October 27, 2008

Livestrong 2008 - The Aftermath

I completed my 3rd 5K last Sunday. The good news is I finished with my fastest time ever:  32:34. The bad news is that I could not break the 30 minute barrier I was hoping for. I have been running at night with my dog Buffy, and got as fast as a 8:53 mile. The hills in the capitol area of Austin conspired to drive my heart rate higher than I was comfortable with, so I was forced to walk portions of the course. 

I exceeded my donation goal of $200 thanks to my Parents and my Red Cheetah Dealers: 

Tawnya did great this year as did all of the people in Team Red Cheetah. After the race, my boss bought breakfast for everyone at the 1886 Cafe & Bakery in The Driskill Hotel on 6th Street.  After a 5:45AM wake up call, a 5K race and a huge breakfast we made a retreat back home for a well deserved nap.

My feet seem to have taken the worse damage this time around. They feel like somebody smashed them with a hammer. I should probably spend a few bucks and have the nice people at RunTex help me find a decent pair of running shoes.

Some day I will get this all dialed in, and Watch Out!

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Props to you and T!! I am so proud of you guys!!! Yeah - that's my cousin - that's right! The guy that ran the 5K.